My Viral Campaign


I am doing a viral campagin for Gift Baskets for All, a company that provides gourmet gift baskets for any occasion. This campaign is very important not only for the company but for myself, I plan to use what I learned from this campaign in other campaigns I plan to do in the future.

Note: This is for a class project only.

picture source: Google:…0…1.1.22.img..2.8.587.Uyyo89uVO3w#facrc=_&imgdii=_&

Why Pinterest


Although I like many bookmarking sites, I must say I really like Pinterest. I can not believe I just opened an account with them. Pinterest has it were you can pin and share photos in minutes. Many demographics will use this site: artists, students, and business professionals, just to name a few. I also think it is good for promoting a business because is also connected with Twitter and Facebook, so when you  take a picture of the product you made or sell you can share it  with your followers, or publicize your photo and share it with anyone.

Pic Source:,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.49405654,d.dmg&biw=1061&bih=552&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=69XmUajnGYamygHtkYHQCA

jQuery script

Today in my Scripting class I learned how to create a jQuery script. And then I created one myself It was not that hard to do but it is important for you to pay close attention to the directions and when you are typing in the information.  The jQuery script I created changes the time of the disappearance of the fading box, and allowed me to change the text in the fading box. I think this is useful because it allows you to create messages and share them. When I want to share a message with a large amount of people that can be viewed on my website, the jQuery script I created and the knowledge I know now about jQuery scripts will come in handy.


The link to the jQuery script I created:


Check This Out! Gaming Enhanced

I have been doing some research on the gaming industry (pretty awesome Industry) and I came across some technology, racing simulators (the technology is new to me, but not so new to the game developers) that could make your racing experience the ultimate racing experience! Now I have never been a big “gamer” but I have played many racing games throughout the years (those seem to be the video games I have the best coordination in lol) so when I seen the racing simulators and learned some things that they can do, “I have to try this!” came to my mind, then I thought “I would love for the whole world to get a chance to experience or view this technology”. Well I did a little more research and luckily for me got in contact with a brilliant young man who is actually getting a racing league using the racing simulators, that I am excited about trying. As I talked to him over the phone, I found out that at the moment he is in the process of getting everything in order to make the racing league a success, and he said he is letting everyone that would like to, take a moment and fill out his gaming league survey, every survey counts he said. It will help him further know what his demographics are, and where to set the tryouts. I told him I would love to take the survey, so he sent me the link. I took a moment to fill out the survey (it took about 2 minutes) and after I asked him a few more questions about the racing simulators, we ended our conversation.

As soon as I find out when the tryouts start I will be sure to post it! I also posted the link to the gaming league survey below if you are interested in being apart of the movement.

Check This Out!

If you would like to take the survey visit:

Content and Technology


I learned so much this week about the media and content. It is very important to prepare your content for the future. Since technology is advancing, you may have to change the way you structure, organize, and produce content.

Here is a link for you to listen to the Podcast, The Big Web Show 73: Sara Wachter I listened to discussing a book pertaining to media, content, and technology,

Asking About Photography


What makes a photographer TAKE A PICTURE??? is it the lighting? setting? atmosphere? What? Those beautiful photos that are captured in seconds has always been impressive to me.


Pic. Source:,r:13,s:0,i:192

Runway: Not Always Glamorous


Have you ever been to a fashion show, or seen a fashion show on television? Have you ever noticed the models focus while walking down the runway? Sometimes models have to walk in shoes that take plenty of balance, confidence, and focus. Although it may look extremely easy to walk from one end of the runway and back to the beginning of the runway, it is NOT. Walking down the runway can be challenging. The type of outfit and/ or shoes the model will be wearing, and the runway the models will be walking on, can raise the level of complexity for an effective runway walk. On a good note, there are tips and rules to help models successfully RIP THE RUNWAY!

3  Cheers for all of the Fashion Models!!!

Note: This blog and video is not meant to tease nor humiliate Fashion Models in any manner. This blog and video is meant to inform and possibly discuss Runway experiences and/ or thoughts.

Web Sources for the  shoe images: (check out some of the neat and creative shoe designs)

Also, for a Visual of how Complex Walking Down a Runway can be, check out this video: